Universal Rules and Path

Universal Rules and Path

Christian Piaget, Editeur & Fabricant
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Author: Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati, in this Book, starting from the topics Atma, the Self and Unique Lord is one, has presented concise messages to educate mankind on ways to live and progress in life, with peace, elevated thoughts , love towards all living beings, service to mankind, the best ways of behaviour, the best conduct, physical and mental wellbeing, power of silence, value of work, right food habits, respect for women, love of nature and many more.

As a Pocket Book if this can be in possession it would do a lot of good to every human being who aspires for a noble and commendable life in this World.

More details here extracts Universal Rules and Path (pdf)

ISBN : 978-2-88922-031-1, size 114 x 183 mm, 85 pages
